Hello everyone! I'm back with an extremely short IMWAYR* post. I've been in Singapore, and between sight-seeing and spending time with my family I haven't had much time to read. I still thought that I should update you on my reading, since I missed the last post. This week, I started one book and finished another.
* This meme is hosted by teachmentortexts.com and unleashingreaders.com
I finally finished "Lord Edgware Dies" by Agatha Christie. I found it interesting, but it definitely wasn't my favourite Christie book. I'm glad that Poirot appeared for longer in this book, and I really liked some of the characters.
I also started reading The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown. I've been waiting to read this book for a very long time. I decided to save it for the trip to Singapore. I'm liking it so far. It has all the suspense of a usual Dan Brown book- along with the dynamic characters and interesting plot twists. Look out for a review of this book soon! It's also a part of the Big Book Challenge that I'm participating in.
My To- Be- Read List has grown a lot however. I've read some great reviews of YA books on bookbybook.blogspot.in and westmetromommyreads.com. Unfortunately that's all I have to say today- as you can see it's been quite an uneventful reading week. Let me know about your reading week in the comment section below!
Blog Posts Last Week:
- Dread (Poem)
- Winter in Summer (Poem)
-A Poison Tree by William Blake (Review)
-Saturday Snapshot (Meme)
* This meme is hosted by teachmentortexts.com and unleashingreaders.com
My To- Be- Read List has grown a lot however. I've read some great reviews of YA books on bookbybook.blogspot.in and westmetromommyreads.com. Unfortunately that's all I have to say today- as you can see it's been quite an uneventful reading week. Let me know about your reading week in the comment section below!
Blog Posts Last Week:
- Dread (Poem)
- Winter in Summer (Poem)
-A Poison Tree by William Blake (Review)
-Saturday Snapshot (Meme)
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