As you probably know by now, I am participating in the 2015 Big Book Summer Challenge , hosted by bookbybook . I am happy to be reading my third "big book" this summer[ a book that's longer than 400 pages], and happy that this book can really be considered as more than 400 pages. The last two books I read were both less than 420 pages! I started " The Book Thief" by Mark Zusak last night and am pleased to say that I am thoroughly enjoying it. The book is 550 pages, so it will be [ at least according to me] my first really big book this summer. I hope that you have all signed up for the big book challenge , and that you are enjoying reading it very much. Sign up for the big book challenge! Related posts: Summer Challenge Update I'm done with book 1 Summer Challenge Update
A student writer's book reviews and original poems.